Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quick Tips: Lucky Bamboo

As millions of "lucky" consumers around the world have discovered, Lucky Bamboo gives the perfect home office and plant.

It needs little care - only aboutt an inch of water and little direct sunlight to keep it happy and prosperous ...

What is Lucky Bamboo?
Known for centuries as Lucky Bamboo, a bamboo plant is not any name (botanical Dracaena) but a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical forest Asian and South Africa.

How great care is necessary lucky bamboo?
Keep in cool water, changing every week and always keep water levels in about an inch from the stem base. Lucky Bamboo prefers a lot of indirect light and room temperature at 65-70th. Although opinions differ on feeding, your lucky bamboo is a living organism, it is logical to add a mild solution of water from time to time as African Violet fertilizer. Since growth can be controlled by diet, small amounts of fertilizer to maintain the factory to a manageable size.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Two most common factors are: 1.) Too much direct sunlight, and 2.) Too salty water fluoridated tap water. Write a chance early bamboo flourishing be sure to keep away from sunlight and water only with filtered water or natural spring.

Why is called "lucky" bamboo?
With its ease of growth, Lucky Bamboo has long been associated with the practice of Eastern Feng Shui - or the filing of the natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance in the environment. Lucky bamboo is considered an ideal example of the forest growing and the water element, with the addition of a red ribbon sometimes tied around the stems - believed that the fire "the positive flow of chi in room.

The number of stalks also has a meaning: three stalks for happiness, and five rods of wealth, six stalks for health. Four rods, however, are always avoided, since the word "four" in Chinese sounds very similar to the Chinese word for "death"!

"I can take cuttings of Lucky Bamboo?
Lucky Bamboo

Yes New stems can spread from plant origin using a knife to cut a stalk - just below the articulation. Place the cup of water fresh and clean. A fine mist of stems is sometimes suggested to stimulate new bud growth.

How to transplant bamboo?

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