Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You do not have to look very hard to find today bamboo lucky. The pop-up plants in offices, on desks, in businesses and households everywhere. An important part of Feng Shui, lucky bamboo plants are supposed to bring luck and fortune, especially if the plants were given as gifts. It also helps that they have a well deserved reputation as almost indestructible. They can survive in the tough stems glasses of pure water or soil, and in a wide variety of lighting conditions. Even a poorly maintained plant lucky bamboo will live for a long time before it finally succumbs.

The vast majority of lucky bamboo plants are shipped from Taiwan or China, where commercial farmers braid twist and stretch the rods in a multitude of ways. More complex installations lucky bamboo can cost hundreds of dollars and twenty or more stems. Most often, however, plants in pots just lucky bamboo can be had for as little as $ 10 for a set of three strains.

Technically, bamboo is not bamboo at all luck, but a species called Dracaena sanderiana. Although most are grown hydroponically (in water), the lucky bamboo can be potted in soil. A final caveat: Lucky bamboo leaves are slightly toxic, so it should not be kept in a place where animals or children tend to bite them.
Lucky Bamboo Care

Light: Lucky bamboo prefer sunlight, filtered, as in a rainforest. Avoid direct sunlight and burn the leaves. They are more tolerant of the little light it. When the plant starts to stretch, however, or the green fades, more light.
Irrigation: Lucky Bamboo can grow indefinitely in a simple vase filled with stones (support), and at least one inch of water. However, they are very sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals commonly present in tap water. water from the water in your lucky bamboo as distilled water or bottled water or tap water that has been left aside for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate. Health lucky bamboo roots are red, so do not be alarmed, in a glass vase so you can see the roots of red. Finally, good hygiene recommended to change the water every week.
Temperature: Lucky Bamboo likes warmer temperatures between 65 º F and 90 º F. Do not put plants in front of the air conditioning or heating vents.
potting media: In addition to water, the lucky bamboo can be grown in well drained, rich soil. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Water as you would any kind of Dracaena.
Fertilizer: The plants grown in water only needs to be fed every two months, using a weak liquid fertilizer. A single drop of liquid fertilizer is sufficient for most arrangements bamboo lucky. On the other hand, the lucky bamboo specialty fertilizers available.

Cut and shape your lucky bamboo

Despite its apparent complexity, the lucky bamboo is not formed in the same manner as the bonsai plant wire and judicious adjustment. Instead, they are shaped by rotating the plant stems against a light source, causing the plant to grow naturally toward the light. In China, the stems grow, often at their side to spirally feature. At home, it's a hard process, but can be achieved by placing the plants in a box with three sides and special attention to its rate of growth, turning the ground slowly and evenly. Be patient, it may take some time to do things.

Orlando, however, is an important part of maintaining their health bamboo lucky. Over time, most plants will be too heavy or complex forms begin to lose their shape. In general, it is a good idea to cut the main stem of a bamboo lucky. Instead, cut the stems with a sterile lawn. Then cut the branches back to an inch or two of the main stem. New growth is seen, and the resulting plant will be thicker. In order to discourage the growth of new, dip the cut in paraffin.

Should you wish to change their shape dramatically, you can cut a whole branch flat against the main stem. A scar tanning results, and new shoots may or may not leave the court. Do not throw the cups, because they can be used to propagate new plants bamboo lucky. If you cut a stem, for whatever reason, the new shoots emerge from beneath the cup, and the top, assuming that is healthy, can be used to start a new plant.
The common problems with Lucky Bamboo

The most common errors related to lucky bamboo are usually related to water. Chlorinated water will kill them eventually, and the water is dirty or infected by the bacteria can be fatal. If a plant develops roots black, they must be cut. Also, leaves should not be allowed to rot in the water because they can introduce bacteria. Good hygiene practices of water, changing the water weekly with distilled water or bottled water. If algae grow in water, it is usually because the plant is potted in a vase, which allows light to penetrate and encourage growth of algae. Just clean and start over, put in an opaque container, if the algae is a persistent problem.

The leaves are yellow usually indicate too much sun or too much fertilizer. Cut out the fertilizer and move the plant to a more sombre.

Brown leaves usually indicate dry air or water. Increase humidity by spraying the plants regularly and make sure to use water properly.

If the stems are soft rot or turn, you've probably beyond saving. Worse yet, the decomposition of stems threaten other rods are nearby. Remove at once. If you really want to save, cut the yellow pieces and try to root the cut stems in fresh water.

Finally, the lucky bamboo is susceptible to insects and other problems within the tropical plants. Can be processed manually (picking errors) or by the same methods used in all other indoor plants.

The planting of bambú afortunado tipo es muy especial a planting también conocida por su number botánico "dracaena. Esta planta tiene significado en el especial a feng shui is Conocido que es como un símbolo of vitalidad y fuerza. Rápido crecimiento sin necesidad Su
hare mucho cuidado of that sea ideal para una planta casi cualquier persona cubierta. plantas Lucky bambú in casi cualquier puede CRECER lugar, por lo que es perfecta para el adición the hogar o negocio.

Usted notarially realidad hay mucho in one Distinto del régimen bambú afortunado. Varios números están available in Los tallos, pueden ser o RECTAS curves, there is veces forman diferentes formas y is in Venden como artículos of novedad. La cantidad of tallos in a sí tiene significado especial. Cuanto mayor cantidad of the sea of tallos bambú acuerdo a translation is no necesariamente en una mejor suerte. Si hay tallos 3 No. 6, represents the felicidad. 5 o 7 tallos simbolizes la salud. 2 tallos of representar el amor y el matrimonio, una riqueza y 8 reprefentatives Abundancia, 9 represents the buena fortuna y arreglo a high of 21 tallos simbolizes las Bendiciones.

VINCULAR el número correcto of tallos of bambú para el área adecuadas the bedroom o con la casa entera a mapa bagua. Para hacer esto, tienes estar parado that in the entrada con el cabo antes de Bagua has the fama of the sección de posicionamiento frente a la pared y luego opuesta directa sección of the carrera in directamente frente of usted. Usted debe utilizar para determinar los puntos del espacio that is diferentes áreas correlacionan a las de tu vida como la riqueza, the carrera, el amor y la salud.

También hay formas especiales para poder usar el bambú suerte para los cinco elementos del ejemplificar feng shui en acción, y creando a equilibrio Armonía a área especificada. The plants representing el elemento madera, tiene sólo ponerlos that a crystal Florero lleno de agua para incorporar los elementos metal y el agua, agregue un poco de piedra para la tierra y los atar con una cinta roja tallos o una cadena that inclui el elemento del fuego.

Incluso if planting of bambú suerte no necesitan demasiado la atención primaria o especiales, eso puede usted no significant that descuidar. Todavia necesita vez en cuando from Regar, cada vez que el Hágalo agua por debajo de una llegue pulgadas en el jarrón. No los bajo la luz solar colloquium directa, funcionan mejor en las zonas poco his iluminada. Estas plantas utilizan en el is feng shui buena como remedios para atra "qi" o energía y facilmente se puede ver muchas de las oficinas in para traer buena suerte has negocio. También pueden ser excelentes regalos para una o un nuevo negocio Inauguración

Quick Tips: Lucky Bamboo

As millions of "lucky" consumers around the world have discovered, Lucky Bamboo gives the perfect home office and plant.

It needs little care - only aboutt an inch of water and little direct sunlight to keep it happy and prosperous ...

What is Lucky Bamboo?
Known for centuries as Lucky Bamboo, a bamboo plant is not any name (botanical Dracaena) but a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical forest Asian and South Africa.

How great care is necessary lucky bamboo?
Keep in cool water, changing every week and always keep water levels in about an inch from the stem base. Lucky Bamboo prefers a lot of indirect light and room temperature at 65-70th. Although opinions differ on feeding, your lucky bamboo is a living organism, it is logical to add a mild solution of water from time to time as African Violet fertilizer. Since growth can be controlled by diet, small amounts of fertilizer to maintain the factory to a manageable size.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Two most common factors are: 1.) Too much direct sunlight, and 2.) Too salty water fluoridated tap water. Write a chance early bamboo flourishing be sure to keep away from sunlight and water only with filtered water or natural spring.

Why is called "lucky" bamboo?
With its ease of growth, Lucky Bamboo has long been associated with the practice of Eastern Feng Shui - or the filing of the natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance in the environment. Lucky bamboo is considered an ideal example of the forest growing and the water element, with the addition of a red ribbon sometimes tied around the stems - believed that the fire "the positive flow of chi in room.

The number of stalks also has a meaning: three stalks for happiness, and five rods of wealth, six stalks for health. Four rods, however, are always avoided, since the word "four" in Chinese sounds very similar to the Chinese word for "death"!

"I can take cuttings of Lucky Bamboo?
Lucky Bamboo

Yes New stems can spread from plant origin using a knife to cut a stalk - just below the articulation. Place the cup of water fresh and clean. A fine mist of stems is sometimes suggested to stimulate new bud growth.

How to transplant bamboo?